
An admitted shoe geek waxes philosophical about running, triathlon, and life in general.
Comments welcome!

Monday, February 19, 2018

What a year it's been!

Okay, not quite a year since I last posted to this journal, but close. So many changes!

* Sold a house.
* Bought a new house, with acreage (okay, 3+ acres). A geodesic dome, total nerd house, with an adjoining room that serves as my framebuilding shop, a large garage, loads of storage space.
* I had to take about half of 2017 away from framebuilding to get the old house ready for sale, two months in an interim house that had us tripping over each other (and NO shop or garage space), and then finally getting into the new house in November.
* My gravel ride events went off well, with record participation in the Elbe Multi-Strada Loop ride in May, and good numbers for the Lucky Masochist's Gravel Deuce in July. Didn't hurt that the weather was almost perfect for both rides.
* In my day job, I've been "promoted" to a leadership position. So now I'm responsible
* I made my 500 hour riding goal for 2017, just barely. So many days off due to the move, etc., and I hit 500 on New Year's Eve.
* My wife now has ducks, 15 at current count, for the eggs. We now have more eggs than we can possibly use...
* I currently have two bike frames in work, including a mountain bike for a lucky participant in the BuDu Racing multi-sport series.
* I'm gearing up to do a few more rides this year.
* NAHBS (North American Handmade Bike Show) date and location for 2019 was announced this past weekend -- March 15-17, 2019, in Sacramento, CA). I mentioned to my wife the date and location. Her immediate reaction was "Yeah, we should do that!" (or words to that effect).

* I've started some motions (though they were a bit stalled with the house work) to get a Pacific Northwest, Washington in particular, custom/handmade bike show going. I've had some great conversations with some of the local builders, and all seems positive. Though there is much work to do to make something happen, I think it might be a go in 2019.

Look for more coming soon. I've had a lot of thoughts brewing in my head, the writing energy just hasn't been there.

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